Category Archives: Meaning Making

Facing Consequences (by Joe Nagy)

Facing the consequences of our actions is the last thing any of us want. In fact, whenever we sow the wind, we pray that we won’t have to reap the whirlwind. We start bargaining with God/Fate/The Way Life Is: “Okay, I’ve learned my lesson. I’ve changed. I won’t make this mistake again. Just give me one more chance. Please please please please don’t crush me … Continue reading Facing Consequences (by Joe Nagy) »

Righting An Upside-Down World

A while back I came across an article that shared an interesting statistic. Sixty percent of today’s school-age children see themselves as exceptional, compared to the 8% who saw themselves exceptional in 1964. Today, being average is unacceptable. An Interesting situation when you consider most of us, in most things, are — average. But this statistic opened me up to the larger question of how … Continue reading Righting An Upside-Down World »