Category Archives: Love

Teaching Skeletons to Dance

TO ENJOY THE VIDEO IN TODAY’S POST, PLEASE CLICK THE LINK ABOVE IN YOUR EMAIL, OR click here. “There is something about a closet that makes a skeleton terribly restless.” ~ Wilson Misner For a long time, I believed that skeletons were ghosts, kind of like an unwanted family inheritance better left hidden away in some forgotten closet. But closets, if left untended, can become … Continue reading Teaching Skeletons to Dance »

Righting An Upside-Down World

A while back I came across an article that shared an interesting statistic. Sixty percent of today’s school-age children see themselves as exceptional, compared to the 8% who saw themselves exceptional in 1964. Today, being average is unacceptable. An Interesting situation when you consider most of us, in most things, are — average. But this statistic opened me up to the larger question of how … Continue reading Righting An Upside-Down World »