Category Archives: Surrender

Enduring Together

TO ENJOY THE MUSIC IN TODAY’S POST, PLEASE CLICK THE LINK ABOVE IN YOUR EMAIL, OR click here Jean-Jacques Rousseau claimed that children were by nature good and learned best through their own unfettered life experiences. It wasn’t either good or necessary for parents to interfere. Rousseau also said, “The first thing a child should learn is how to endure.” Endurance is needed to successfully … Continue reading Enduring Together »

The Flutter of Happiness

“The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” ― Martha Washington And yet in places like Gaza and Ukraine and the Sudan it’s impossible to believe that anyone could find happiness in such harsh, brutal and terrifying circumstances. But miraculously, people do. And it is one of the great miracles of life.   We see it … Continue reading The Flutter of Happiness »

Stepping Stones or Stumbling Blocks?

There are times when getting from here to there is no easy matter; when the route is unclear and obstacles seem insurmountable.   There’s an old saying: “The only difference between a stepping stone and a stumbling block is how we use them.” Will you walk in between the stones with a mind to missing them, or walk on top of the stones with a … Continue reading Stepping Stones or Stumbling Blocks? »