Monthly Archives: April 2023

With Malice Toward None

 A recent front page story from the Washington Post read: A White man shot a 16-year-old Black boy who knocked on his front door because he was “scared to death.” “When 16-year-old Ralph Yarl rang the doorbell of Andrew Lester’s Kansas City, Mo., home by mistake last week, the 84-year-old White man was “scared to death,” he told police.
The Black teenager was looking for his … Continue reading With Malice Toward None »

Do You Bend Like the Willow?

 In Turbulent Times — “Adapt yourself to change as the willow tree adapts itself to the weather. When the harsh winds of circumstance sweep across the landscape of your life, bow gracefully, bend gently, adapt graciously. You are wise to study well the ways of the willow. In the face of change, in the throes of adversity, in the midst of conflict and crisis, the … Continue reading Do You Bend Like the Willow? »

Finding Base Camp

The only thing that is permanent is impermanence. ~  Buddha   Our son and daughter-in-law have announced they’re divorcing. So our family has entered a period of hard times, a period made more challenging in light of three precious grandchildren who’ll need help adjusting to their new world. As grandparents, Marsha and I will do all we can to provide support, as will others in … Continue reading Finding Base Camp »

The Juggernaut of Self Will

Juggernaut: “Something such as a blind belief or institution, that elicits blind devotion to which someone is ruthlessly sacrificed.” ~ Merriam-Webster Dictionary A juggernaut of magical thinking has descended upon the land and caused many to detach themselves from the real world. This magical thinking has engendered a false sense of empowerment which manifests itself in the thought that through the strength of my will I … Continue reading The Juggernaut of Self Will »