Category Archives: Acceptance

Enduring Together

TO ENJOY THE MUSIC IN TODAY’S POST, PLEASE CLICK THE LINK ABOVE IN YOUR EMAIL, OR click here Jean-Jacques Rousseau claimed that children were by nature good and learned best through their own unfettered life experiences. It wasn’t either good or necessary for parents to interfere. Rousseau also said, “The first thing a child should learn is how to endure.” Endurance is needed to successfully … Continue reading Enduring Together »

Smooth Seas Do Not Make Skilled Sailors

Friends, I’d like to dedicate this post to one of the most skilled sailors I know: my cousin, Dennis Parker, the elder of the Moriarty clan, a friend to many, and my first hero.   In the opening act of Shakespeare’s Henry VI, the King appears in a forest, disguised and carrying a prayer book. Thinking he is alone, he speaks aloud while trying to … Continue reading Smooth Seas Do Not Make Skilled Sailors »

Live a Good Life. Now.

[This post includes a short video best experienced from the Just a Thought website. Please click the link above.] “Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality.” ~ Emily Dickinson    I’ve reached an age where I’m frequently hearing of an old friend boarding the carriage bound for eternity. There … Continue reading Live a Good Life. Now. »