Monthly Archives: December 2023

All Right, Then — I Will Go To Hell

[This post was intended for the week before Christmas, but was delayed because of email service issues. If you get this, it means the issues are resolved — ha ha!] The desegregation storm of September 1957 ripped into Little Rock’s self-image of Southern racial moderation and plunged the city into turmoil for nearly two years. The Central High crisis became the most defining chapter in … Continue reading All Right, Then — I Will Go To Hell »

A Charlie Brown Kind of Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ~ Pat & Marsha  It’s our pleasure to once again reprise this post originally published in 2016.  It seems especially appropriate this year. Whatever your own circumstances this holiday season, may your hearts be strong, your spirits peaceful, and remember there is love in abundance. May you give and receive it with generosity and gratitude. 🎄 “Always winter … Continue reading A Charlie Brown Kind of Christmas »

Teach Your Children Well

[There’s one video at the end of this post. Please click the link above to read/watch directly from the website.] Some things we learn as children are best unlearned as adults. God bless my dear grandfather. He taught me so many important things, like the importance of faith, family and character. He was very embodiment of the best of the Irish temperament: funny, resilient, faithful, … Continue reading Teach Your Children Well »

The Story of Sam the Peacemaker

Lord, let me be an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light, and where there is sadness, joy. ~ St. Francis Prayer  Now, that’s quite a prayer, isn’t it? The first time I encountered the prayer I was in the lobby of the convent where … Continue reading The Story of Sam the Peacemaker »