Category Archives: Sobriety

Greatness In Goodness

Over the last few years MAGA (Make America Great Again) has become the call letters of a new political movement, one that has attracted millions of fervent followers. But this movement and its call to return to a nondescript time of American greatness is one that has raised many thorny questions. Like — what era would we be returning to? President John Adams counseled against … Continue reading Greatness In Goodness »

Sweet Simplicity

I’m kind of blown away by how complicated life has gotten! My heart sometimes aches for simpler time before technology, social media and a world filled with too many choices.   Watching TV requires multiple gadgets, memberships require multiple passwords, and billing statements have multiple pages. Public restrooms require multiple numbers to open doors. With social media, my business has suddenly become everyone’s business. who … Continue reading Sweet Simplicity »

The Power of German Chocolate Cake

I recently read that an increasing number of Americans wants to remove from our schools’ curricula anything that reflects poorly on their states or the United States as a country. Like teaching the history of racism because, they say, it’s unpleasant for children to think about slavery and its legacy. So, the thinking goes, simply remove the teaching of racism from schools and then pretend … Continue reading The Power of German Chocolate Cake »