Author: Marsha Hahn

The Power of a Story (by Eileen)

A drawing of an older woman 's face

I have been thinking about the importance of storytelling.  In her book, Hope in the Dark, Rebbeca Solnit addresses the “untold histories” behind major social change.  She says, “Changing the story isn’t enough in itself, but it has often been foundational to real changes.” She goes on to add, “Some activists are afraid that if we acknowledge victory, people will give up the struggle.  I’ve … Continue reading The Power of a Story (by Eileen) »

Thirty Years and a Day (by Herman)

A pez dispenser of tweety bird on top of blue stick.

Thirty years and a day. I celebrated my thirtieth year of sobriety last year, and today I have one more day. I was raised Southern Baptist.  No one in my family drank.  I was an honor student.  I went to Divinity School and became an ordained minister.  I worked with the Ecumenical Institute of Chicago on an inner city reformulation project and trained church leaders … Continue reading Thirty Years and a Day (by Herman) »