Monthly Archives: November 2024

In the Year of What Else Could Go Wrong 

In the Year of What Else Could Go Wrong cleared gutters gush November rainand run off becomes more of an ideathan a result. The tiny maple leaves once fall fire drop and clog the splash block and water eases its way down the foundation wall as all good North-west basements turn winter pools. No one says, what next? The predatorshave taken power, the weak are leftweeping in their chai tea, … Continue reading In the Year of What Else Could Go Wrong  »

This Too Shall Pass

The music from this post is only experienced from the Just A Thought website.  PLEASE CLICK HERE  ”The grief that does not speak / Knits up the o’er-fraught heart and bids it break.” ~ Macbeth, by William Shakespeare The grief of which Shakespeare writes is an experience many of us share. A grief so deep it can hardly be whispered — “the grief that does … Continue reading This Too Shall Pass »

Cub Scout Courage

The music from this post is only experienced from the Just A Thought website.  PLEASE CLICK HERE “Life is mostly froth and bubble, Two things stand like stone, Kindness in another’s trouble, Courage in your own.” ~  Adam Lindsay Gordon If I might be allowed this observation — It appears there is a missing virtue in the souls of many of our elected leaders, a virtue once … Continue reading Cub Scout Courage »