A String of Pearls



I have collected a string of pearls on the topic of humility.  If you linger a moment or two with each one, I think you might find truth that resonates.  I know that was the case for me.  I won’t add any commentary, but will let each pearl speak for itself.

  • Pride is the illusion of separation. Humility is the realization of unity.  – Caleb Parazette
  • He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. But he who never asks a question is a fool forever.  – Chinese proverb
  • Every animal knows more than you know.  – Native American proverb
  • The truest way to be deceived is to think oneself more knowing than others.  – Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • At the feast of the ego everyone leaves hungry.  – Chinese proverb


  • Nothing is more dangerous than the combination of ignorance and enthusiasm.  – Author unknown
  • One who asks never loses his way.  – Yoruba (Nigeria) proverb
  • A wise man never knows all; only a fool knows everything.  – African proverb
  • While you think you’re green you will grow.  When you think you’re ripe you’ll grow rotten.  – Ray Kroc
  • There’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance.  It’s called humility.  Confidence smiles.  Arrogance smirks.  – Author unknown

  • Before you improve the world – look around your own house three times.  – Chinese proverb
  • An intelligent person who sees weakness in another will correct the weakness in himself.  – Zen saying
  • Always remember you’re unique just like everyone else.  – Margaret Mead
  • To profit from good advice takes more wisdom than to give it.  – Wilson Mizner
  • Having meditated on love and compassion, I forgot the difference between myself and others.  – Jetsun Milarepa

Just a thought…


If you would like to submit a post to Just A Thought, please contact Marsha at [email protected].