How to comment on a post

A piece of paper with the words " the art of longing and the art of belonging must be experienced in life ".


Several of you have asked how to comment on a blog post.

It’s very easy.  When you receive an email of the post, click on the post Title.  This will link you to the website and you can read the post from there.  At the bottom of the post will be a “Comments” section, and you can type what you like.

You can also just read the post from the email you receive, but you can’t comment directly from the email.  You have to click the title and go to the post in the website to comment.

I hope this clears up any confusion, but please let us know if you ever encounter problems with Just A Thought.

Thank you.


One thought on “How to comment on a post”

  1. Barbara

    Thank you for an amazing and thoughtful post. I re-read a few times and there are some very ‘spot on’ nuggets of wisdom Pat.

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